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Thursday, July 18, 2024

What's happened to Twitter X? Trump Failed Assassination Attempt Update. Market Update!

Twitter Still Sucks 

 I know, I probably sound like a broken record at this point - complaining about twitter -, but it seems as though an army of bots, has been unleashed in order to hijack the Twitter/ X algorithms.    

Example: This morning, "covid" is trending, but when you click on the topic there's nothing but trolls hijacking the thread/topic, so you wouldn't even know that Joe Biden's Whitehouse is claiming he has covid again. That's right! Joe Biden doesn't have Dementia, or Parkinson's, he has Covid again. What is this, the 4th, or 5th time... ? Just yesterday the fake news was seen quoting Joe Biden as saying that if he were, "diagnosed with a disease", he would consider dropping out, and today - low-and-behold  he's diagnosed with Covid! Yahtzee! You can't make this shit up, but I digress. 

Why is Joe Biden even in my twitter x timeline, when I've already muted and blocked him? IDK


Example #2 

Last week I noticed several Elon Musk (parody) accounts popping up in my timeline, and for every one I muted, and blocked, another one would pop up. 

Tying this all together: This morning, I can't help but notice that one of the same bot accounts I blocked last week, is being propagated by many more bot accounts today.

2 Examples:  


Trump Assassination Attempt Update 

You may recall in my last update that if heads didn't roll, then I was going to assume that this was just another psychological operation #PsyOp, or even a False Flag. 

At that time I hadn't had enough time to piece together all the available information. 

I have since determined that this was in fact an Attempt on Trump's life: 

1. Trump was actually grazed by a bullet to his right ear.  

The video evidence (below) convinced me, given the fact that the line of sight does indeed match up, with Trump's injuries.  

It is indeed miraculous... 

Now this becomes a case of, "who done it?"  

1. The intelligence community was made aware of an assassination plot, or threat from of all places Iran. So where was all this extra security? MIA 

I have heard unsubstantiated reports that his normal security detail was not present at the Pennsylvania rally, and all you have to do is look at the video to determine that these people were at the very least, poorly trained. One of the 3 female officers is apparently unable to even properly holster her weapon! 

 In fact several Democrats have been pushing to get Trump's SS protection removed. 

‘Deeply evil’: Democrat Congressman tried to remove Trump’s Secret Service protection

We also have at least 1 witnesses who alerted to the shooters presence, all of which seem to have been ignored.

Warning the footage below is excruciating to watch! 

Did someone give a stand down order? 

I have a lot more evidence that this looks like another inside job, and even more questions 

I'm sure we'll never get to the bottom of it, since the news refuses to report even half of the evidence I've already presented... 

Market Update: 

We basically just saw a little shake out or rebalancing, ahead of July Options expiration, but we hardly ever see the market correct in July. I want to say never, but probably more like 90%.

I did however warn folks not to be long this market.    

Take Care, and enjoy the rest of your summer. 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Reviewing Last Week's Superfecta BOX, as well as Saturday's Apparent Assassination Attempted on President Trump

 I don't know which is harder to believe; that I would get 4 calls right, in a single week, or that a would-be assassin would be able to slip past the Secret Service and other security - with a long gun - only for the alleged shooter to miss the perfect shot, from within 200 yards? 

Here's my first take on Saturday's events as details began to come out:

Here's my final conclusion reached before the Sunday shows even had a chance to covere it: 

Of course heads won't roll, because - just as most of what we see on television - this just looks like another - in a long string of - Psychological Operation (s) (aka #Psyop) designed in order to distract, and confuse populations. Just what the purpose of this event is, I will leave that up to your imaginationbut you can search my recent tweet history for some clues....   

Reviewing Last Week's Superfecta

What is a Superfecta Box. It's a Horse betting term for picking the top 4 winners, in any order. 

Last week's winning calls:

1. Tesla - called out as a sell (short)  
2. $YEN reversal - ahead of BOJ capitulation (intervention)  
3. Last weeks magnificent run in Small Caps 

An excerpt from that blog: 

4. And Finally: Friday's magnificent rally - this was after we saw the rug pulled on tech stocks the day before.... 


Dow rises more than 200 points, touches new record above 40,000: Live updates CNBC

That's all I got for today. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Time to declare victory again - this time on 3X Leveraged $SOX Bull $SOXL

 Time to declare victory again - this time on 3X Leveraged $SOX Bull $SOXL  

This was another easy call, as it was opposite of what CNBC Fast Money was calling for: 

If you bought it at $52.50, and sold it at today's high (around $64) that's a gain of over 20%. 

The great contrarians at Fast Money also called for China to rally, back in June, and I made a killing selling that fleeting rally.

Speaking of bear markets: 

You never hear about the stealth bear market in Oil & Gas drillers, being reported.  

$XOP S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production - 60 min. chart. - 20% off the recent highs 


 That's all for now. Enjoy the summer break, while it lasts, because it's bound to be a crazy fall. 

Take care, AA  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Twitter Sucks so bad; I'm - once again - thinking about Moving to Truth Social!

Twitter Sucks So Bad; I'm thinking about Moving to Truth Social 

You don't have to look very far into who's actually in charge of the new Twitter/ X platform; to figure out what the agenda is; political correctness in the name of "safety", over freedom of speech. 

That may sound innocent enough, until you find that words like "safety" are only code words for ever increasing political correctness that has permeated the internet.      

Elon Musk’s X has a new "safety leader", nine months after predecessor left the social media platform - ap 

 CEO Linda Yaccarino used to work for NBC, and Turner!  Source nypost 

And as if all this wasn't bad enough, even after paying for premium service on Twitter I can't seem to get any service regarding getting set up for a subscription service. Yes, I have valuable content to sell, but even after paying to get set up for a subscription service, and getting approved, not once, but twice, I'm not able to get any help, and I'm not the only one....

 30 min ago: 

Last I heard from Twitter support on June 28th: 

Hi there! We're a small team and are doing our best to review these applications in a timely manner. Once we have an update about your account, we'll reach out to you immediately. Thank you in advance for your patience! X Support Team

The final straw: A week or 2 ago - just before the first presidential debate - the algos on Twitter changed, and I began to be bombarded with content that can only be described as paid for by the Democrat party, and other content I have no interest in.  

I'm also being constantly bombarded by what can only be described as adult content.  

You'd think the AI would be smart enough to know, I'm not interested in singles ads, or internet whores, after being on the platform for nearly 15 years, but no....  

Truth Social 

To be honest Truth Social is slow. I mean it's really slow, and I only have a few followers over there,  but I think it may be better to tweet in a vacuum than be continually bombarded with crap.  

Market Update:  

I just got back from vacation last week, and seeing typical holiday trading...

Even so, I'm still able to find some profitable trades in an otherwise sideways market. 

Of course the lame stream media continues to point to new all time highs on the Nasdaq, and even the CNBC Fast Money crew had the nerve to point to new highs on the Nasdaq, on Friday. This after they chose to pump casino stocks, after calling a "bearish reversal". 

The Nasdaq, along with the rest of the hopelessly rigged tech sector can only manage to break out to new highs on very light holiday volume. 

I predicted these new highs and profited off them, so I can't complain... yet I'm irritated at the lack of credibility offered by the financial fake news. 

Most the broader market continues to be rigged higher, in order to help Joe Biden; I not only predicted this in 2023, but I've gone out of my way to explain the process... and continue to tweet on the subject:

After calling out several good trades including the major Top on Bitcoin, Silver, and Natural Gas, and more recently long trades in $SOXL, and Gold miners, I haven't received even so much as a thankyou, so I just don't see much interest by the trading community on Twitter/ X.

To give you some idea..: $BITI (the leveraged bitcoin bear) is up 25% since calling the reversal.     

Instead there seems to more interest in nonsensical tweets like the one embedded below, and the occasional 50% pop in a meme stock:   

To wrap things up

This is a horrible market to trade, in the traditional sense of the word, where traders of the $SPX have to wait 2 weeks for a 3 day rally, over a holiday.  

$SPX - breaks out to a slightly higher high, on super light holiday volume - Typical 

 I'm expecting a market correction as soon as August, or Sept, but not until small caps bounce back.  

After that I'd expect the market to rally into the election, only to be dumped on Donald Trump's watch, just as they did in 2020. 

In the meantime: If you can't find me on Twitter, you may find me on Truth Social @3XTraders