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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

More Killer Swing Trading Opportinities in Crypto - NASDAQ alert - $VIX Alert, and a Lame Stream Media PsyOp

 As most of you probably already know; I called out the Ethereum trade on Saturday, and pinned an alert to that call, to the top of  my X platform timeline - btw - that's the place you should be looking for real time alerts. 

Speaking of Alerts:

1. On Jan. 3rd I alerted that the $VIX chart, was signalling a continued sell-off 

The $VIX works when the manipulators want it to work.

 2. Nasdaq Alert

I alerted that the 50 day moving average on the Nasdaq would probably be taken out. That finally happened yesterday, Monday. 

3. Crypto Alert (from Saturday's blog)

Below is the update I added to to the above pinned Tweet, on Saturday

The setup on Ethereum may actually be a little different than the chart I blogged. Could see another little shakeout come Monday. $ETH

 If you traded the leveraged 2X bear Ethereum ETF, you were up 14% at the lows of the session. 

That's what I'm talking about! 

From there, we've seen a rebound off my 2950 target, all the way back to the 3250 level, overnight. 

At this point I feel that the trade is too hot to touch, and is already getting ahead of itself.

The Broader Market  

The Broader Market - if there is such a thing - continues to trade like dog feces, as everybody, and his brother, continues to pile into the Energy trade, and since everybody seems to be wrong all the time, I'll take the opposite side of that trade.    

We all remember what happened the last time Bloomberg was seen alerting to the $90 level on Brent Crude. 

Well now they want investors to get excited about the $80 level! 

Bloomberg always seems to be wrong, and always pushing an agenda/ PsyOp. 

Here they are trying to shake out the weak hands again just yesterday: 

CNBC does the same thing, by flashing the red tickers on the major indices, and pushing negative news, something we rarely saw before Trump won.   

 Exactly what I've been predicting for years, and you can expect this trend to continue over the next 4 years...

$SPX 5500 is a certainty, it's just a matter of time.   

I don't trade the $SPX 

 take care,


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