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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

6/28/22 - Quick Market Update

I pretty-much took yesterday off as far as trading, after charting, and blogging right through the second weekend in a row! I had a dentist appointment, so it was a good excused to get away from the computer for a while, and go out for breakfast... 

I'd like to take more trading days off in the future, but the market doesn't trade according to my schedule, and when global markets finally begin to spiral into water-fall patterns, I expect I'll be working nights and weekends, again.  

What I really need is a vacation, and not during one of the busiest travel times of the year. I'm thinking ahead, like way ahead, like the tropics, in Dec. 

Hundreds of Flights Canceled Across U.S. Today newsweek 

The hardest decision I have is deciding where to go, and if you're the same way, then you will want to check out this valuable (5 star reviews) resource, and I should tell you that I may make a small commission when you purchase produces using affiliate links on this website. Much appreciated; win win!  

Destinations of a Lifetime: 225 of the World's Most Amazing Places Hardcover – Illustrated, October 27, 2015  Amazon Link 

 What would really be rad, is to have a 3XTrading seminar in Las Vegas assuming the last of their water doesn't dry up! Maybe in the future, if I can ever complete the book..! 

Even though I felt like I took the day off, I did watch the market action, somewhat (eye roll).      

Trading was about as dull as I predicted it would be in the last update. Like I said, "the easy money has already been made", and the time to trade was when I sounded the warning several weeks ago.  

The trend remains very much down, even after Friday's short squeeze. 

I did sound the warning, to hedge any long bets you still have on


The Fake Financial News 

Of course Bloomberg continues to report this as a "bear market rally", while CNBC claims that we could see a rally. What does Bloomberg know? Who is feeding them the story line? And where was CNBC 3-4 weeks ago, when markets turned. It seems they're a little late to the party! And while I'm on the subject of the fake financial news, I think it was Bloomberg, I heard reporting that China is ready to rally? Really? 


has already been on a tear for several months, even as it was being reported that China was on lock-down, due to China's 0 Covid policy. 

Without revealing any charts, just look at $BABA retesting the recent highs again! 

Trading Tip

Do the opposite of what you see the financial fake news telling you, and you should out-perform the market, just fine! 


2nd quick point I wanted to mention is what looks like an engineered false flag, which I predicted... over the weekend - 

Market Update 6/25/22 - Weekly Market Wrap-up

2. I actually got spooked when I started creating some new short term charts, on Friday, and thinking about AG Merrick Garkand's recent telegraphed visit to Ukraine. What is the real reason for going there, and what are they planning, a Syrian style false flag? Is this a wag the dog moment? Anything to distract from the real problems, and a long list of failures coming out of Washington, not to mention $5 gas.  

As tweeted yesterday: 

Do you see any injured Ukrainians in the picture above? Neither do I! 

What's really hilarious is when the news warns you of "graphic images", and then nothing...  

Russian airstrike hits busy shopping mall in central Ukraine, sparking fears of mass casualties CNN  - #1 in fake news 

Of course this shopping mall attack is nothing like I was expecting, but there may be plenty more... including a chemical weapons attack! 

That reminds me of something else I heard being reported, so gleefully yesterday! 

West pushes Russia into its first foreign debt default since 1918 CNN business

That's about as ridiculous as story as the Russian ruble (crashing) story they were seen reporting, just a few months ago.  Many sources 

As far as the rest of the rigged market, and crazy world goes, the next market mover could be the ECB on Wed. That would offer a 2 day trading window, ahead of the 4th of July weekend.  

Friday is the 1st trading day of July, ahead of a shortened week, and since the bears are trapped, I would expect them to remain trapped. 

I forget which stock I saw up nearly 20% yesterday, and this is the dash for trash - albeit a little late - that I've tried to warn the bears was coming weeks ago!  

That's all for now, AA 



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